
Monday, September 3, 2012

Homemade Pickled Jalapenos

Jalapenos!  I'm more of a don't-really-care-for-them/my-mouth-is-on-fire type of gal, but my honey likes loves them! Recently, he's been complaining about how "mushy" the store bought kinds are. I've experimented with a few different brands, but all have been "not right." So! *light bulb moment* I'll make my own! I searched a few different recipes on the web for pickled jalapenos, but none really stood out to me. I decided to create my own recipe and have my honey taste test. I used:

4 fresh jalapenos, sliced 
2 cups white vinegar
3 cloves of garlic, minced
pinch of pepper
bigger pinch of salt

I added the sliced jalapenos, core and seeds, into my jar, poured the vinegar over them, added the salt and pepper and minced garlic, covered it back up and gave it a nice little shake. Now, the wait was killing me, I just had to know how they tasted (as I do all my recipes)! But, I knew they needed to sit for some time. So we occupied ourselves for a few hours, and then I broke them out! Practically forced my honey to try one! And so he did. "crunch, crunch, crunch." Ohhh! I've succeeded! But, how's the taste? Well, my honey l-o-v-e-s all things spicy, and I never think there is anything to really make him break a sweat. But boy-oh-boy, he was red and sweating! These are the kind of "kick you right out of your boots" jalapenos... and my honey loved them! 
Brittney - 1 
Mushy Jalapenos - 0 

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